Iniciativa de Ley en México para el Acceso Abierto a resultados de investigaciones financiadas con fondos públicos

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-04-03


A bill introduced in the Mexican Senate by Ana Lilia Herrera Anzaldo, March 12, 2013. See especially Article 12. From Google's English: "The results of research, technological development and innovation that are the subject of support in terms of this Act shall invariably published in open access format, and evaluated i take into account subsequent provision of support; ... Research institutions, technological development and innovation receive support from the Federal Government to disseminate their activities and society results of their research and development, through platforms Open Access, subject to intellectual property rights and relevant information, because of their nature, must reserve...."


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Date tagged:

04/03/2013, 10:01

Date published:

04/03/2013, 06:31