Neue Publikationsplattform "Edition Open Sources"

peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-08-16


From Google's English: "New publication platform "Open Source Edition". 08.13.2014 - (idw) Max Planck Institute for the History of Science make order-art research results based on rare works of history of science for the general public to have the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and its research library, together with the History of Science Collection and the Department for the History of Science at the University of Oklahoma (OU) is a new model for academic publishing of primary sources of the history of science established. The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science has proved in the context of digital humanities as a pioneer and disseminates its research results increasingly in accordance with the open access paradigm as well as on the basis of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Scientific Knowledge ( http: //openaccess.mpg .com / 3515 / Berliner_Erklaerung), says Jürgen Renn, Director of the Institute. Since the Institute is a center of basic research, provides the cooperation with the renowned library of the OU and the Department of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine is a great way to expand the research framework and intensify scientific exchange. Most importantly, the Institute is proud to shape the future of academic publishing together with colleagues from the University of Oklahoma and is called this new member of the Open Access Project Edition very welcome. ("


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Date tagged:

08/16/2014, 20:08

Date published:

08/16/2014, 05:22