Open Science Economy -- FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS for a special journal issue on the theme: OPEN SCIENCE ECONOMY: CREATIVITY, COLLABORATION AND THE COMMONS

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-04-06


Use the link to access more information about the call for papers for a special issue of the open access journal Policy Futures in Education.  An overview reads as follows: "The open-science economy (OSE) is a rapidly growing sector of the global knowledge economy utilizing open-source models and its multiple applications (e.g. open access, open archiving, open publishing, open repositories) in distributed knowledge and learning systems. This rich-text, highly interactive, user-generated OSE has seen linear models of knowledge production give way to more diffuse, open-ended, decentralized, and serendipitous knowledge processes based on open innovation and technology. These peer-to-peer distributed knowledge systems rival the scope and quality of traditional proprietary products through the diffusion speed and global access of open-source projects, especially in both software and open-source biology. OSE encourages innovation-smart processes based on the radical non-propertarian sharing of content, cloud data computing, and the leveraging of cross-border international exchanges and collaborations. Furthermore, it encourages a culture of distributed, collaborative, decentralized model of research that is genuinely participatory, involving the wider public and amateur scientists along with experts in the social mode of open knowledge production. OSE provides an alternative to the intellectual property approach to dealing with difficult problems in the allocation of resources for the production and distribution of knowledge and information. Increasingly, portal-based knowledge environments and global science gateways support collaborative science. Open-source informatics enables knowledge grids that interconnect science communities, databases, and new computational tools. Open science is seen as a means for revitalizing public institutions and for developing scientific creativity and innovation at a global level through international collaboration. This special issue explores the concept of 'open science economy', its dimensions and its significance. Please send expressions of interest including a title and abstract to: Professor Michael A. Peters at"


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04/06/2013, 13:52

Date published:

04/06/2013, 09:52