SCOAP3: more than 2000 Open Access articles online | e-EPS

peter.suber's bookmarks 2014-08-25


"Two thousand Open Access articles have been published with SCOAP3 funding since January 2014 in 10 journals from 11 publishers and learned societies. These articles are released under a CC-BY license, and available on the SCOAP3 repository in several formats. Scientists from over 80 countries have freely published in SCOAP3 journals so far. The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics [SCOAP3] is operated at CERN in Switzerland and managed by an international consortium of thousands of libraries in 35 countries that redirects funds previously used for subscriptions to instead support Open Access. All articles are published under a CC-BY license at no cost for any author, and can be freely downloaded, further disseminated and fully reused. This large-scale Open Access operation is made possible by thousands of libraries in 35 countries, in partnership with funding agencies and research organisations. Publishers of subscriptions journals, which converted to SCOAP3, are refunding all of their customers worldwide. Participating libraries redirect these funds to SCOAP3 to pay the article publication charges arranged through its tendering process. Thanks to SCOAP3, authors worldwide, pay no publication fees to fully enjoy the advantages of “gold” Open Access, without modifying their publishing practices. Now in full operation, SCOAP3 demonstrates how a tripartite collaboration between the library community, funding agencies and the publishing industry can achieve a seamless transition to Open Access for the global scientific community. SCOAP3 looks forward to leveraging this success by building additional partnerships with libraries worldwide, which are currently benefiting from the work of the consortium and share its vision to support the transition to Open Access."


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Date tagged:

08/25/2014, 11:05

Date published:

08/25/2014, 07:04