Peter Suber, Change at SOAN, SPARC Open Access Newsletter, 6/1/13

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-06-01


"The SPARC Open Access Newsletter is about to change. I wish I could tell you exactly how, but I can't. SPARC and I still trying to figure that out....I have to scale back...after 12 years and 168 start my new gig as the Director of Harvard's Office for Scholarly Communication....
The newsletter's frequency may not decrease...and may even increase. That's still up in the air. I'm the one scaling back, not the newsletter itself. I've been its solo author for 12 years, and that's what has to change. I need to give my new responsibilities the time they deserve. I don't need to stop writing, and don't plan to. But I do need to step back from the regular deadlines of SOAN, and that means changing SOAN as we know it.
Heather Joseph, SPARC's Executive Director, and I are thinking about what SOAN 2.0 might look like. We don't know yet, but this is a rare and welcome chance to rethink the whole operation, its format, frequency, authorship, and purpose. I may continue in some role, for example, on an editorial board or as an occasional contributor...." 


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06/01/2013, 15:44

Date published:

06/01/2013, 11:44