The SciELO Open Access: A Gold Way from the South

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-06-15


Abstract:  Open access has long emphasized access to scholarly materials. However, open access can also mean access to the means of producing visible and recognized journals. This issue is particularly important in developing and emergent countries. The SciELO (Scientifi c Electronic Library On-line) project, first started in Brazil and, shortly afterward, in Chile, offers a prime example of how this form of access to publishing was achieved and how open access in the traditional sense was incorporated within it. Open access has allowed more visibility, transparency, and credibility for the SciELO journals that now span over a dozen countries, three continents, and more than 600 titles. Conversely, SciELO incarnates the most successful and impressive example of “gold OA,” that is, open access based on publishing rather than self-archiving; at the same time, its database acts like an open-access depository.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.brazil oa.scielo oa.south_america oa.chile oa.journals oa.latin_america oa.south

Date tagged:

06/15/2013, 15:08

Date published:

06/15/2013, 11:08