Open Access Publications Officer - Durham University -
peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-01-18
"Open access publishing is an area of strategic importance for the scholarly communications process in Durham University, and a requirement of a number of funding bodies including RCUK and the Welcome Trust. Durham University is seeking to appoint a Publications Officer to manage the University’s open access publication fund, particularly the open access block grant received from Research Councils UK (RCUK) (£325,000 in 2014-15). The post holder will also be expected to take a leading role in the University’s digital humanities strategy and develop innovative ways of promoting and disseminating the University’s research outputs. Reporting to the Academic Liaison Librarian (Research Support), you will be responsible for devising, managing, monitoring, and reviewing all aspects of processes relating to the payment systems for Article Processing Charges (APCs) for Gold Open Access. You will prepare regular analysis and reports on expenditure and make recommendations and decisions on achieving best value for money. You will play a key role in direct communication with individual researchers/authors and publishers to ensure compliance with funding body requirements and relevant University policies. You will work collaboratively with the Library Repository Manager and University Research Office to ensure that research outputs are correctly and efficiently deposited in the University’s open access repository, Durham Research Online (DRO) in a way which is compliant with funding body requirements, HEFCE’s REF requirements and Durham University’s Open Access Policy ( A key element of this role is direct communication with publishers both in the UK and overseas to ensure maximum exposure to Durham University research."
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