LIBER 2015 | OpenAire Gold Open Access Pilot Workshop

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-04-30


"This workshop will present the progress of the LIBER-led, OpenAIRE2020 Gold Open Access Pilot and discuss the Pilot’s goals, challenges and working procedures. The EC Gold OA Pilot began recently by establishing collaboration agreements between a number of institutions in different countries and OpenAIRE regions. LIBER recognises the variety of publishing landscapes across Europe and wants to explore the possibility of international alignment in respect of institutional best practice in OA publishing management. The workshop will review the current OA publishing models in use at the institutional level. It will also explore the potential benefits of introducing more transparency to the reporting of institutional APC expenses. There will be a special emphasis on the opportunities for libraries that could flow from decentralised management of the OpenAIRE2010 Gold OA Fund, in particular learning more about researchers’ publishing behaviour in order to better inform them of the various publishing choices they face."


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Date tagged:

04/30/2015, 13:04

Date published:

04/30/2015, 12:45