How many peer-reviewed OA journals charge publication fees?

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-05-11


"Here's the latest answer from the +Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): 67.9% of listed journals charge no publication fees (or article processing charges, APCs). Only 32% charge such fees. This confirms every study ever done on this question. Yet we still see people who ought to know better repeat the untruth that all or most OA journals charge author-side fees. Please spread the word.
For more on the significance of these numbers, and some of the earlier studies unearthing them, see my 2006 article on no-fee OA journals. "


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Tags: oa.doaj oa.fees oa.misunderstandings oa.journals

Date tagged:

05/11/2015, 15:29

Date published:

05/11/2015, 11:31