Elsevier: Trying to squeeze the virtual genie back into the physical bottle - Open Access Archivangelism
peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-05-25
"...a few more of the howlers that keep making Elsevier's unending series of arbitrary contractual bug-fixes logically incoherent (i.e., self-contradictory) and technically nonsensical, hence moot, unenforceable, and eminently ignorable for anyone who takes a few moments to think instead of cringe. Elsevier is trying to use pseudo-legal words to squeeze the virtual genie (the Web) back into the physical bottle (the old, land-based, print-on-paper world):..."
http://openaccess.eprints.org/index.php?/archives/1152-Elsevier-Trying-to-squeeze-the-virtual-genie-back-into-the-physical-bottle.htmlFrom feeds:
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