Peter Suber, US citizens: Tell your Senators to support FASTR. Things are moving in DC, and…

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-07-19


"Things are moving in DC, and we anticipate that FASTR (Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act) will come before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs later this month.

FASTR is the strongest bill ever introduced in Congress requiring open access to federally-funded research. 

Yes, we already have the NIH policy. But it only covers one agency. And yes, we already have the February 2013 Obama directive requiring about two dozen federal agencies to adopt OA mandates. But the next President could rescind that directive. FASTR would subsume and extend the NIH policy. FASTR would solidify the Obama directive by grounding these agency policies in legislation. Moreover, FASTR would strengthen the NIH policy and Obama directive by requiring reuse rights or open licensing. It has bipartisan support in both the House and the Senate...."


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Tags: oa.fastr oa.usa oa.legislation oa.obama_directive oa.mandates oa.funders oa.repositories oa.policies

Date tagged:

07/19/2015, 15:07

Date published:

07/19/2015, 11:07