Manager of Institutional Repository (Fixed Term) - Job Opportunities - University of Cambridge

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-08-28


"The University of Cambridge is seeking an enthusiastic, experienced individual to work within the Office of Scholarly Communications as the Manager of Institutional Repository. The funding landscape in the UK now requires that the outputs of funded research, such as research articles, conference proceedings and supporting research data are made publicly available. The University's DSpace repository houses the wide range of research outputs of the University, ranging from published articles and conference papers, through to datasets, theses, videos and molecules. The post holder will work within the growing and friendly Office of Scholarly Communications at the University Library. He/she will manage the digital content of the institutional repository and provide assistance to end users, including advice relating to third party copyright issues. He/she will be also responsible for reviewing and where necessary, modifying, the structure of digital collections in the repository, as well as the organisation of various types of research outputs stored in the repository...."


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Tags: ru.sparc15

Date tagged:

08/28/2015, 16:45

Date published:

08/28/2015, 11:58