Scholarly Communications & Digital Publishing Strategist, University of Cincinnati

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-09-04


"The Scholarly Communications and Digital Publishing Strategist develops, coordinates and oversees the growth of scholarly communications and publishing programs and services at UC, including: providing outreach, knowledge and support to faculty, students, and staff about copyright, licensing, and scholarly publishing, and about the dissemination and preservation of the scholarly, historical, and cultural record. The position will also participate in the development of university policies regarding access to scholarly work, including copyright and intellectual property issues, fair use, authors’ rights, privacy rights, open access, and other information policy issues within the libraries and university. Additionally, the position will collaborate with the Office of General Counsel in order to make specific information available to foster creative solutions and to develop best practices...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa.oh

Date tagged:

09/04/2015, 13:33

Date published:

09/04/2015, 09:33