Developing the first Open Peer Review Module for Institutional Repositories | Open Scholar C.I.C.

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-09-05


"Why aren’t articles on arXiv —or any other open access repository— formally credited as publications? What is it exactly that separates open access repositories from publishers? The simple answer is that publications in journals come with an amorphous quality indicator associated with the journal’s perceived prestige. Articles posted on a repository on the other hand, are considered to be 'provided at the reader’s own risk', as they are not accompanied by any measurable guarantee of their scientific merit. We think the time has come to change all that. With the support of OpenAIRE, Open Scholar will coordinate a consortium of five partners to develop the first Open Peer Review Module (OPRM) for open access repositories. Our partners that will deliver this work include: 1. The institutional repository of the Spanish National Research Council (DIGITAL.CSIC) 2. The repository of the Spanish Oceanographic Institute (e-IEO) 3. The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) in Catalonia 4. The Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Library and Computer Sciences (SECABA) in Granada, and 5. A company of DSpace professional development and services (ARVO) ..."


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Date tagged:

09/05/2015, 09:03

Date published:

09/05/2015, 06:14