FP7 post-grant Open Access publishing funds pilot | FP7 gold pilot
peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-10-14
"The EC has launched a Pilot to fund OA publications for finalized FP7 projects through the OpenAIRE project. The European Commissions's 'Communication and Recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information' and Recommendation C(2012) 4890 on access to and preservation of scientific information (July 2012), identified a need to consider 'whether and under what conditions open access publication fees can be reimbursed after the end of the grant agreement'. As a consequence, a pilot funding instrument to support Open Access publishing for post-grant FP7 projects has been initiated. The post-grant Open Access Pilot provides an additional instrument to improve access to research results from FP7 projects, but does not affect authors' choice on how their project publications are made Open Access. The FP7 post-grant pilot is being developed in the context of the OpenAIRE2020 project, and is aligned with the Open Access infrastructure and support network provided by OpenAIRE. The current FP7 post-grant Open Access Pilot should not be confused with the previous FP7 Green Open Access Pilot launched in August 2008 ..."
https://www.openaire.eu/postgrantoapilotFrom feeds:
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