iCite | Help | NIH Office of Portfolio Analysis
peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-10-24
"iCite is a powerful web application that provides a panel of bibliometric information for journal publications within a defined analysis group (where an analysis group can consist of a single article or a very large group of articles). The data produced by iCite can be downloaded as a customized report from the dashboard and could be used to understand the influence of articles within an analysis group. An example application for iCite might be to compare how the influence of a portfolio of articles compares to the remaining articles that come out of grants funded by the NIH....
The Relative Citation Ratio [RCR] is a new metric developed within the Office of Portfolio Analysis (OPA) that represents a citation-based measure of scientific influence of one or more articles. It is calculated as the cites/year of each paper, normalized to the citations per year received by NIH-funded papers in the same field and year. A paper with an RCR of 1.0 has received the same number of cites/year as the average NIH-funded paper in its field, while a paper with an RCR of 2.0 has received twice as many cites/year as the average NIH-funded paper in its field...."