Managing the Transition to Open Access Publication: EPS and EuCheMS Statement November, 2013
peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-10-27
"In a meeting on April 5th, 2013, organised by the European Physical Society, representatives from a number of Learned Societies met in Strasbourg, France in order to discuss and formulate conditions for a transition towards Open Access publishing that both respects the need to make publically-funded research results freely available whilst at the same time maintaining peer-reviewed highquality journals, secure archiving, and a strong and successful international scientific enterprise. The present paper which has been drafted from this meeting has since benefitted from the input and support of further societies organised in the Initiative for Science in Europe. The paper is addressed to all stakeholders in scientific publication and aims to both raise awareness of a number of important issues, and to make specific recommendations that the signatories believe are necessary for Open Access publishing in science to be successfully implemented...."