How open science helps researchers succeed

peter.suber's bookmarks 2015-12-09


[Abstract] Open access, open data, open source, and other open scholarship practices are growing in necessity and popularity, rapidly becoming part of the integral workflow of researchers. However, widespread adoption of many of these practices has not yet been achieved. Understandably, researchers have concerns as to how sharing their work will affect their careers. Some of these concerns stem from a lack of awareness about the career benefits associated with open research. Herein, we review literature on the open citation advantage, media attention for publicly available research, collaborative possibilities, and special funding opportunities to show how open practices can give researchers a competitive advantage. 


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Tags: oa.studies oa.publishing oa.floss oa.citations oa.impact oa.metrics oa.funders oa.open_science oa.ecr oa.benefits oa.advantage

Date tagged:

12/09/2015, 17:40

Date published:

12/09/2015, 11:44