Data Literature Interlinking service | Observatoire des technologies de l'IST

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-01-06


From Google's English: "The portal Data Service Literature Interlinking is a pilot service developed jointly by the Working Group Research Alliance Data Europe / WDS Publishing Data Interest Group, OpenAIRE and ICSU World Data System. Based on open source tool for building data infrastructure D-Net and search engine  ElasticSearch, it integrates, harmonizes and interconnects datasets and publications from various sources *, generating a graph of links between games and data between the data sets and the scientific literature. Data and relationships can be accessed through a search interface via APIs or via the OAI-PMH. Statistics on sources (number of datasets, publications and links) are also available. The challenge is to improve the visibility, accessibility and reuse of data...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.french oa.openaire oa.floss oa.integration oa.oai oa.apis

Date tagged:

01/06/2016, 11:39

Date published:

01/06/2016, 06:39