Open Access books: Jisc work in the area | Jisc Scholarly Communications
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-01-14
"Most of the posts on this blog concern open access to journal articles. In this post, jointly authored by Neil Jacobs, Caren Milloy, Neil Grindley, Chris Keene and Liam Earney, we take a look at Jisc’s current work in the area of OA books. Books are integral to teaching and research. Academics feel strongly about the value of the monograph, though this is not universal. Because of the REF and the Research Councils’ OA policies, and because of strong support for STEM subjects from the highest level in the UK, there is a great deal of attention on journal articles, conference papers and research data. In that context, it is important that the voice of the book is not lost, and that its place at the heart of many disciplines is recognised, even as monographs evolve. Textbooks also remain central to many disciplines and providing seamless online access to core texts remains a focus for all libraries – especially in relation to the NUS no hidden costs campaign. In addition to our negotiating and licensing work with major ebook publishers, Jisc’s work in the area of OA books comprises the following on textbooks: Institution as e-textbook publisher Developing an “e-textbook framework” It also includes the following on OA research monographs: The OAPEN-UK research project Investigation of OA monograph services (with OAPEN) National Monograph Strategy next steps Taking these in turn:.."
Sections on Textbooks and Monographs follow.
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