NIH Manuscript Collection Optimized for Text-Mining and More | NIH Extramural Nexus
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-01-20
[From November 2015:] "NIH-supported scientists have made over 300,000 author manuscripts available on PubMedCentral (PMC) since 2008. Now, NIH is making these papers accessible to the public in a format that will allow robust text analyses.
You can download the entire PMC collection of NIH-supported author manuscripts as a package in either XML or plain text formats. The collection will encompass all NIH manuscripts posted to PMC since July 2008. While the public can access the articles’ full text and accompanying figures, tables, and multimedia on the PMC website, the newly available article packages include full-text only, in a form that facilitates text-mining.
We developed this resource to increase the impact of NIH funding. Through this collection, scientists will be able to analyze these manuscripts, further apply the findings of NIH research, and generate new discoveries...."