How Open Is It? An interview with Greg Tananbaum | PLOScast

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-02-02


"As Open Access becomes more widespread, quantifying the range of OA options has become complex. In this PLOScast, Elizabeth Seiver speaks with Greg Tananbaum, the owner of ScholarNext, about the spectrum of Open Access, the tool available to help academics gauge the openness of an article, OA policies and emerging developments in scholarly communication. Together they discuss how machine readability is playing a role in OA publishing, issues surrounding OA funding, and how Open Access journals can work together. Greg focuses on the intersection of technology, content and academia. He’s been working with SPARC since 2007 on issues relating to Open Access and open data. If you are interested in learning more, please check out the following links ..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.advocacy oa.sparc oa.share oa.plos oa.definitions oa.terminology oa.interviews oa.people

Date tagged:

02/02/2016, 08:38

Date published:

02/02/2016, 11:58