Texte adopté n° 663 - Projet de loi pour une République numérique

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-03-05


From a BioMed Central summary of the bill (March 4, 2016): "The French National Assembly has passed a Bill including open access provisions. The Bill, ‘French Digital Republic’, includes a mandate requiring any work that has received at least 50% funding from any French or EU public body to be made OA within 6 or 12 months after publication (STM and HSS subjects respectively). As of February 2016 we have identified 85 APC funds provided by funding bodies from across the world, and 124 institutional APC funds that are funded in whole or in part by the institution."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.new oa.legislation oa.france oa.french oa.funders oa.mandates oa.embargoes oa.fees oa.europe oa.policies

Date tagged:

03/05/2016, 15:36

Date published:

03/05/2016, 10:36