Wellcome criticises publishers over open access | Times Higher Education (THE)
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-03-25
"The Wellcome Trust has warned big publishers than unless they improve their service and lower their costs it could refuse to provide researchers with funds to publish in certain types of their journals. Elsevier and Wiley have been singled out as regularly failing to put papers in the right open access repository and properly attribute them with a creative commons licence. This was a particular problem with so-called hybrid journals, which contain a mixture of open access and subscription-based articles. More than half of articles published in Wiley hybrid journals were found to be 'non-compliant' with depositing and licensing requirements, an analysis of 2014-15 papers funded by Wellcome and five other medical research bodies found. For Elsevier the non-compliance figure was 31 per cent for hybrid journals and 26 per cent for full open access. In contrast, for PLOS, which only publishes full open access journals, all papers were compliant. Wellcome said it had had meetings with Elsevier and Wiley to make them aware of the problem and make sure it did not continue to happen. Following this, both publishers had retrospectively put papers in the right repositories ..."
https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/wellcome-criticises-publishers-over-open-accessFrom feeds:
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