Big Publishers, Bigger Profits: How the Scholarly Community Lost the Control of its Journals | Larivière | MediaTropes

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-04-07


[Abstract] Despite holding the potential to liberate scholarly information, the digital era has, to the contrary, increased the control of a few for-profit publishers. While most journals in the print era were owned by academic institutions and scientific societies, the majority of scientific papers are currently published by five for-profit publishers, which often exhibit profit margins between 30%-40%. This paper documents the evolution of this consolidation over the last 40 years, discusses the peculiar economics of scholarly publishing, and reflects upon the role of publishers in today’s academe.


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Tags: oa.studies oa.publishers oa.business_models oa.economics_of oa.history_of oa.profits oa.academic_led

Date tagged:

04/07/2016, 07:51

Date published:

04/07/2016, 09:03