Growing the Vision: Next Steps for Open Access Library Publishing | Shawn Martin
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-04-10
"I will be speaking at the IFLA Satellite Meeting for the program Libraries as Publishers: Building a Global Community. It will take place August 10-12, 2016, in Ann Arbor, Michigan and is sponsored by the IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development, along with Serials and Other Continuing Resources. Here is the proposal: How can (or should) institutional repositories, disciplinary websites, data warehouses, and other open access repositories form part of a larger strategy for library publishing? In the age of linked data and the semantic web, open access repositories might seem to be the first step toward solving a much larger problem, namely, creating a research management infrastructure that helps to assess the impact, productivity, and use of resources online. Yet, the answer to how library publishing units should accomplish linking research management practices and open access publishing mechanisms remains elusive. There are two ways of trying to achieve the solution. First, libraries need to implement new pieces of infrastructure that help to manage research. Examples might include commercial products like Symplectic Elements –, profiling systems like VIVO – , research ID systems like ORCID –, or discoverability services like SHARE – Second, and, more important, however, are the open access policies that govern research management on campus. Mandates like those at Harvard and MIT are often catalysts for creation of infrastructure, and universities may need to create new policies in order to facilitate better research management ..."
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