Linked Open Data Services for OpenAIRE : OpenAIRE blog

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-04-23


"We’re happy to announce that the OpenAIRE Linked Open Data (LOD) Services are now available as a beta version at OpenAIRE already makes its data freely available for re-use via APIs. In line with its commitment to openness, OpenAIRE has been busy mapping OpenAIRE’s data onto suitable standard vocabularies in order to make OpenAIRE’s data available as Linked Open Data.  This started with a specification of the OpenAIRE data model as a Resource Description Framework (RDF) vocabulary, and then entailed mapping of the OpenAIRE data to the graph-based RDF data model. To interlink the OpenAIRE data with related data on the Web, we have identified a list of potential datasets with which to interlink, including the DBpedia dataset extracted from Wikipedia and the publication databases DBLP and CiteSeer. Making our data available in this way extends OpenAIRE’s technical interoperability and enables new user communities to engage with our data ..."


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Tags: oa.openaire oa.interoperability oa.lod oa.europe oa.repositories oa.announcements

Date tagged:

04/23/2016, 08:35

Date published:

04/23/2016, 09:00