Smarter Open Access Workflows: Digital Science Webinar Summary - Digital Science
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-05-19
"As part of a continuing series, we recently broadcast a Digital Science webinar on smarter Open Access workflows....The first presenter to speak in the webinar was Catherine Mitchell (@catherinemitch) from the California Digital Library, who spoke about the implementation of Open Access policies at the University of California (UC). The first policy implemented only applied to the UCSF Faculty, it was later broadened to all UC Faculty, and then to all UC employees who author scholarly articles....Next to present was Torsten Reimer (@torstenreimer) from Imperial College London, who discussed the idea of achieving Open Access compliance as a by-product of better workflows. Torsten started by explaining the main difference between the situations in the US and the situation in the UK, namely that there is stronger pressure from funder mandates in the UK. Indeed, although Imperial has had an Open Access policy since 2012, in effect funder policies have overtaken Imperial’s own policy....Peter Suber (@petersuber) spoke about rights retention policies. Instead of focussing on deposit workflows, Peter focussed on the policy aspects of infrastructure, arguing that the right policies can eliminate certain hurdles in the workflow...."