Access To Medicines Resolution Adopted By UN Human Rights Council

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-07-02


"A resolution on access to medicines proposed by a number of developing countries was adopted today by the United Nations Human Rights Council, as well as a resolution on enhancing capacity-building in public health. This marks yet another United Nations fora in which developing countries seek to raise the issue of access to medicines, particularly with regard to high prices."


"The reference to price of medicines in the resolution is an inadequate simplification of the issue, he said. Patents and prices are not directly linked, he said, as prices result from a variety of factors, such as import taxes, national medicine supply systems, and the role of intermediaries."


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Tags: oa.un oa.medicine oa.south oa.declarations oa.access oa.prices oa.patents oa.licensing oa.specimens oa.libre

Date tagged:

07/02/2016, 12:29

Date published:

07/02/2016, 11:59