The FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot: An All-Encompassing Gold Open Access Funding Initiative | Slideshare

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-07-04


"A year into the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot, this presentation delivered at the LIBER Annual Conference 2016 in Helsinki shows the current progress of this funding initiative. This Gold OA Pilot has currently two funding worklines, a main one for APC/BPC payments for post-grant manuscripts arising from finished FP7 projects and an alternative funding mechanism for supporting APC-free OA journals and platforms. Detailed figures are provided for the APC payments made so far, together with a number of findings the initiative has already come upon."


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Tags: oa.funding oa.funders oa.slides oa.presentations oa.publishing oa.policies oa.books oa.deposits oa.openaire oa.reports oa.fees oa.libraries oa.europe oa.journals oa.repositories

Date tagged:

07/04/2016, 14:16

Date published:

07/04/2016, 10:16