Making Lemonade: The Challenges and Opportunities of Forced Reference Serials Cancellations; One Academic Library's Experiences - Serials Review - Volume 19, Issue 4 (1993)
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-07-05
Abstract: In a panel discussion on weeding the reference collection presented at the 1991 ALA Midwinter Conference, David Tyckoson of SUNY-Albany described the reference collection as an index to the general library collection.1 I would like to go a step further. The reference collection is the skeleton of the general collection. It provides at least basic information on most subjects even when the library does not have comprehensive or specialized resources. If the reference collection is the skeleton, then serials are the backbone of that skeleton. Reference librarians are expected to produce timely, accurate information on any and all subjects. This requires upto-date directories, biographical sources, indexes, and statistical compendia--in other words, ongoing subscriptions. No matter how emaciated the body, we have always been confident that the skeleton was strong and intact, supporting library information services. However, widespread economic ills have begun to threaten those bones.