Guidelines on Raising the Profile of a Research Organization o...
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-08-02
"An institutional repository is a way to display all the publications of an organization....All research content that is shareable should be shared online for everyone to access and read. It has been said many times, through several studies and uncountable blog posts, that Open Access increases citations of research publications. By how much? Um… we’re still not sure.
But whether it is by 2% or 80%, this doesn’t alter the fact that opening access to research has several major benefits for increased visibility and to foster and attract collaborations. And we shouldn’t need to mention it once again.
If you can share only metadata, that’s better than nothing.
If you can provide free access to the full text or a cheap way to read it, that’s better.
Universities and research organizations increasingly issue mandates or policies to make their research open access by default.
This post is based on MyScienceWork’s activity and expertise...."