Analysis of challenges and opportunities for migrating ScholarsArchive@OSU to a new technical platform: requirements analysis, environmental scan, and recommended next steps

peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-12-06


Abstract: ScholarsArchive@OSU (SA@OSU) has stood as Oregon State University’s institutional repository for nearly a decade, and has seen a great deal of success, by many metrics, as such. Over that time period, the mission, content types, and stakeholders of the repository have changed, as has the ecosystem of available and emerging repository platforms. These changes have sparked interest in OSU Libraries & Press in assessing the technical infrastructures for SA@OSU to determine whether migration to a new system could benefit all of our stakeholders. This document presents the results of an investigation conducted by Center for Digital Scholarship and Services faculty and staff between September 2014 and January 2015 into the requirements of our stakeholders and the suite of practically implementable repository platforms for SA@OSU. We provide an assessment of a number of platforms in the context of our requirements analysis and make recommendations for next steps


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Date tagged:

12/06/2016, 11:31

Date published:

12/06/2016, 06:31