[AAP open letter to Donald Trump, Dec 15, 2016]
peter.suber's bookmarks 2016-12-17
From the AAP's open letter to Donald Trump, December 15, 2016: "AAP is the national trade association of the U.S. book and journal publishing industry. AAP’s nearly 400 members include most major commercial publishers in the U.S....Surely you understand the role that meaningful intellectual property rights play in American entrepreneurial success, both at home and in global markets, as the ability to burnish the Trump brand through trademark registration and enforcement has helped your diverse enterprises to grow and thrive world-wide....Professional & Scholarly Publishers...publish the vast majority of books, journals, software, databases, and other digital content that are used by scholars and professionals in science, medicine, technology, business, law, and the social sciences and humanities, and are leaders in promoting public access policies that benefit science and society....Businesses that market services and devices through which their customers may access, store and enjoy popular copyrighted works in digital formats benefit from weak or unenforceable copyright protection because their services and devices become more attractive to users as the ordinary market requirements to obtain books, watch movies or listen to music are reduced or eliminated online. Sadly, the same is true for some nonprofit cultural institutions that exist to provide free public access to diverse informational materials – including copyrighted works of original expression...."