The Data Spectrum | Open Data Institute

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-01-24


"Some of us worry about personal health records being “made open”. Some confuse commercial and personal data, or mix up “big data” with “open data”.

To unpack data’s challenges and its benefits, we need to be precise about what these things mean. They should be clear and familiar to everyone, so we can all have informed conversations about how we use them, how they affect us and how we plan for the future....

Whether big, medium or small, whether state, commercial or personal, the important thing about data is how it is licensed.

The spectrum ranges from closed to shared to open...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.definitions

Date tagged:

01/24/2017, 08:59

Date published:

01/24/2017, 03:59