Caselaw Access Project | Library Innovation Lab
peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-02-02
"The Caselaw Access Project is making all U.S. case law freely accessible online.
Our common law - the written decisions issued by our state and federal courts - is not freely accessible online. This lack of access harms justice and equality and stifles innovation in legal services.
The Harvard Law School Library has one of the world's largest, most comprehensive collections of court decisions in print form. Our collection totals over 42,000 volumes and roughly 40 million pages. Caselaw Access Project aims to transform the official print versions of these court decisions into digital files made freely accessible online.
To realize this ambitious vision, we're teaming up with Ravel Law, an innovative legal research and analytics company. Ravel is funding the costs of digitization and will be making all of the resulting cases publicly available for free search and API access. You can learn more about the key terms of our collaboration with Ravel by reading a detailed overview here...."