University of Western Cape Open Access Policy
peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-02-10
The (undated) OA policy at the University of Western Cape, combining rights retention with the work-for-hire doctrine.
"WC's intention is to strive to balance the rights and responsibilities of its researchers towards the creation of new knowledge with the desire to share and disseminate this knowledge as widely as possible in the interests of the public good. In alignment with the provisions of The Intellectual Property from Publically Financed Research Act (Act no. 51 of 2008), UWC's Research Policy (2010) clarifies its rights as a public university with regard to intellectual property, stating that copyright for all work created by its staff and students in the course of their employment at UWC or while undertaking their studies, is assigned to UWC. While UWC readily assigns authors the right to publish scholarly work, such assignment is subject to a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive licence in favour of UWC to allow the use of that work for teaching and research, and to reproduce and communicate that work online for noncommercial purposes via UWC's open access Research Repository. Where the exercise of these rights by the University is seen to depart from the stipulations of academic publishers' copyright transfer agreements, UWC will on written request of the publishers postpone the open display of author versions of published articles for a period of twelve months. The UWC Addendum to Publication Agreement (See Annexure 1), that gives effect to this commitment on the part of the university, must be completed by all first author researchers upon acceptance of their article for publication and serves as the written notice of agreement by the publisher...."
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