Knowledge Exchange consensus on monitoring Open Access publications and cost data: Report from workshop held in Copenhagen 29-30 November 2016
peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-05-12
"The second workshop on monitoring Open Access publications and cost data related to publications, which is the focus of this report, was a direct response to the suggestions made in the first Knowledge Exchange workshop on OA monitoring held in Utrecht in May 2015, which concluded that Open Access definitions, workflows and collaboration should be closely linked in order to keep monitoring simple and open, allowing best practice to emerge and be built upon.
Hence this second workshop was designed to create some tangible recommendations by gathering experts from all the KE countries and beyond to discuss and compare results and ongoing experimentation in the fields of:
`` Monitoring OA publications `` Monitoring cost data for OA publications
The Copenhagen workshop successfully addressed both topics in a number of ways. Keynote presentations gave useful and general overviews of ongoing initiatives and results while presentations from six different countries offered unique insights into the most prominent activities regarding monitoring of OA publications and related cost data. Finally, and most importantly, two breakout sessions involved all 57 participants in discussions about monitoring, leading to 48 concrete recommendations."
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