Scholarly Communication/Open Access Publishing Manager Job Opening in Chicago, Illinois - Book Business Job Connection

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-06-05


"ATLA (American Theological Library Association) seeks a highly collaborative, proactive, and innovative person to leading the Association’s open access publishing initiatives as its Scholarly Communication/Open Access Publishing Manager. This position coordinates multiple Editorial Boards to support open access publishing of major works, issues of contention, and schools of thought that propel research in religion and theology; develop knowledge and skills in librarianship, pedagogy, and research methodology; and represent specialized topics of interest religion and theology. This position works both independently and collaboratively to provide outreach and support for open publishing initiatives, raise awareness of open access and scholarly communication issues including open educational resources, and develop professional development opportunities for ATLA members in the areas of open publishing. This position develops collaborative open publishing projects for the benefit of members and to support expanded access to scholarship in religion and theology. This position conducts member needs assessment; supports and maintains publishing platforms and tools; assesses education and training needs and arranges professional development programs; designs and implements programs that leverage member knowledge and expertise, supports standards, and shapes connections between instructional programming, scholarly communication, and libraries. This position is responsible for working closely with colleagues and managing relationships with members and prospective content contributors, partners, the open access publishing community, consultants, and vendors."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa

Date tagged:

06/05/2017, 10:52

Date published:

06/05/2017, 06:52