SGC | Structural Genomics Consortium

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-08-10


"The SGC is engaged in pre-competitive research to facilitate the discovery of new medicines. As part of its mission the SGC is generating reagents and knowledge related to human proteins and proteins from human parasites. The SGC believes that its output will have maximal benefit if released into the public domain without restriction on use, and thus has adopted the following Open Access policy.

The SGC and its scientists are committed to making their research outputs (materials and knowledge) available without restriction on use. This means that the SGC will promptly place its results in the public domain and will not agree to file for patent protection on any of its research outputs. It will seek the same commitment from any research collaborator...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks


oa.patents oa.medicine oa.biology oa.biomedicine oa.pd oa.pharma oa.specimens oa.industry oa.copyright

Date tagged:

08/10/2017, 13:56

Date published:

08/10/2017, 09:56