FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot: results of the first two years : OpenAIRE blog

peter.suber's bookmarks 2017-10-09


he FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot has recently made an analysis of the results of the first ‘period’ of the Pilot – from May 2015 until April 30th 2017 –  in other words, this is the overview of all activity for the Pilot within the 2-year timeframe it was originally intended for.


The dataset it is based on is extracted from the statistics module on the Pilot website – edited, corrected and augmented manually with data obtained externally such as the data from the pre-payment agreements with selected publishers – in order to give a complete overview. This dataset is available on Zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.998041). 4 months into the extension, some of the numbers will already be outdated, but we believe that the trends and conclusions discussed here are still valid, and that they can be used for prediction and projection until the end of the Pilot extension (in February 2018).

The Pilot has funded 59 monographs and 1 conference proceeding, 11 book chapters and 786 articles in full open access journals (the Pilot does not fund publications in so-called hybrid journals, i.e. journals that offer open access for certain articles while the journal as a whole remains subscription based).

The countries with the highest number of funded requests are Spain and the UK, each at 128 publications. Italy, Germany and the Netherlands follow. In total, we have received requests from 36 countries.



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Date tagged:

10/09/2017, 11:32

Date published:

10/09/2017, 07:32