ResearchGate CEO Ijad Madisch on the power of a social network for scientists — Tech News and Analysis

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-07-26


"[Q:] What is the importance of sharing research? [A:] When you publish an article, it’s 5 percent of the work you have done. The other 95 percent is the negative results. Because of this, we have research redundancy because we don’t share the negative results and the raw data sets. Sharing is one thing, but it’s also sharing it in a social environment. If we know who is doing what, we can be much more efficient. Open source has been very successful in how you can combine competition plus being open. I always call it “open science.” We have to move to a world where this competition is still needed, but everyone understands the more open I am, the more successful I will be...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.networking oa.researchgate oa.interviews oa.people

Date tagged:

07/26/2013, 10:49

Date published:

07/26/2013, 06:49