The Tree of Life: Postdoc position in innovating scholarly communication at #UCDavis w/ me, Mario Biagioli & Mackenzie Smith

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-07-28


"A new UC Davis initiative on "Innovating the Communication of Scholarship" is hiring a 3-year postdoctoral fellow, starting September 1, 2013. This is a cross-disciplinary project to study the future of academic publishing, involving faculty from the Center for Science and Innovation Studies, the Library, the Genome Center, and the School of Law (with additional collaborators in Computer Science, English, Philosophy, and the Graduate School of Management). Research topics include open access models, peer review, new forms of quality metrics, data publication, use of social media, and new forms of misconduct...."


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Date tagged:

07/28/2013, 08:39

Date published:

07/28/2013, 04:39