OSP Launch | Open Syllabus Project

peter.suber's bookmarks 2013-08-01


"The Open Syllabus Project is pleased to announce that it has received a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to support its first year of development. The OSP’s mission is to build a large-scale online collection of syllabi and to build foundational tools for analyzing it in order to advance scholarly inquiry, promote institutional cooperation, and foster pedagogical diversity. We believe that this critical mass of syllabi will stimulate new research tools, drive policy change, foster best practices, provide new metrics, and aid in the search, discovery, and the development of new course materials....Now, we need your help. We have data, but we need more....We are also actively looking for researchers interested in natural language processing and archive architecture, and for students at all levels who can benefit from hands-on experience (and a modest compensation) working on a tough, real-world problem...."



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Date tagged:

08/01/2013, 15:02

Date published:

08/01/2013, 11:02