Research data infrastructure development: The pros and cons of user involvement | ZBW MediaTalk

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-03-17


"Between 21 – 23 March 2018 the 11th RDA Plenary Meeting will take place in Berlin addressing various challenges of research data management. A co-located event of the German Council for Scientific Information Infrastructures (RfII) deserves a closer look: “If we build it, they will come” – Ways of user involvement in information infrastructure development. On occasion of that event, we will examine the classic topic of user involvement more into detail, and what effects it could have on the design of research infrastructures. ...

FAIR use of data is one of the hot topics on the science policy agenda. To achieve FAIR Data or even publicly accessible data, appropriate research data infrastructures (RDIs) are needed. There are various national, transnational and international developments of information infrastructures or research data infrastructures that are currently being conceptualized, implemented or further emerging. Notable examples are the “National Open Science Cloud” in the Netherlands, the “Open Research Data Infrastructure” in the UK, the “Australian Research Data Cloud”, the German Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) or the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)...."


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Tags: oa.germany oa.rdm oa.infrastructure oa.fair oa.infographics

Date tagged:

03/17/2018, 17:31

Date published:

03/17/2018, 13:31