Instructor and Digital Publishing Librarian Job Opening in Chicago, Illinois - ALA JobLIST | Jobs in Library & Information Science & Technology

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-06-14


"Key Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assist with the promotion of the University’s Institutional Repository (INDIGO), online journal systems and other digital publishing initiatives;
  • Provide consultation, training, and support to the campus community on issues related to digital publishing and creating or adopting open educational resources;
  • Investigate and expand services provided by the library in support of online journal publishing including exploring alternatives to the library’s current journal publishing platform;
  • Assist with the migration and implementation of a new Institutional Repository platform;
  • Perform routine scholarly communication functions including oversight of content submissions to the Institutional Repository, oversight and assistance with text-encoding projects (Word to XML conversion), technical support to journal editors and authors using the journal publishing platform, and submission of journal content to various sources (Library of Congress, PubMedCentral, CrossRef, DOAJ);
  • Support the implementation of a University wide faculty profile portal including profile tool administration, customization, and training;
  • Keep abreast of trends and best practices in digital publishing, open education resources, and scholarly communications; investigate emerging platforms and tools to support digital publishing; document findings and make recommendations on potential platforms and tools to implement;"


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa

Date tagged:

06/14/2018, 13:56

Date published:

06/14/2018, 09:55