Let’s Do This Together: A Cooperative Vision for Open Access | Libraria | Marcel LaFlamme, Dominic Boyer, Kirsten Bell, Alberto Corsín Jiménez, Christopher Kelty, John Willinsky | anthro{dendum}

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-06-28


"Over the past two weeks, public allegations of abuse at the (formerly) open-access journal HAU have touched off what one scholar has called “a fractal socio-technical controversy exploding in all directions.” Anchored, in part, by the Twitter channel #hautalk, responses from scholars across career stages have grappled with issues from power and privilege in a time of academic precarity to the status of the anthropological canon. Projects with no institutional connection to HAU have come forward to explain how they operate and what values guide their work. And while few have seriously suggested that the failings of one journal should cast doubt on the viability of open-access publishing more broadly, at least one commenter has lamented that we do not yet have a sustainable and ethical model of open access around which to organize. In this post, we want to argue that such models already abound and that anthropologists ought to rally around them, rather than regarding open access as a proleptic promise that never quite arrives. The six of us draw on our firsthand experience as participants in a variety of publishing projects and observers of the scholarly communication landscape in anthropology and adjacent fields. We affirm, informed by scholars of indigenous and traditional knowledge, that openness is not an untrammeled good, and we endorse the cultivation of a diverse publishing ecology in which experiments can flourish and one size need never fit all. Yet, as the executive committee of an open-access publishing cooperative called Libraria, we also put forward our actually existing model of open-access publishing and invite engagement with it in the here and now...."



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Date tagged:

06/28/2018, 12:39

Date published:

06/28/2018, 09:46