Cornell University Library Repository Principles and Strategies Handbook - CUL Public Wiki - Dashboard

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-07-12


"In order to better coordinate a repository ecology that includes multitudinous individual systems, and synthesize staff knowledge and expertise that spans decades, the Repository Principles subgroup of CUL's Repository Executive Group (RepoExec) has created this open handbook of repository principles and strategies.

The handbook provides support for both new and existing repository managers, comprising both recommended practices and specifically identified action steps that will allow them to track their progress and identify gaps. Each section of the handbook covers a different strategic area of repository management, standing largely on its own and linking to other sections when appropriate. Although there is no primary section order, we recommend starting with Repository Scope and Service Planning.

The handbook specifically addresses principles and practices pertaining to digital repositories, where a digital repository can be defined as: a system, the purpose of which is to store, present, and preserve a collection of data for which the library provides services. That is, the term refers specifically to the application as opposed to the content (collections, objects and metadata) within.

Additionally, the handbook is designed to engender a larger conversation about repository management practices, both at Cornell and beyond. As such, it is a living document that RepoExec will continue to edit and update in response to changes in the repository landscape and feedback from readers. While the handbook points to Cornell-specific service centers for providing in-house services and consulting, it is our hope that the document may be useful to a readership beyond the Cornell University Library...."


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Tags: oa.principles oa.strategies oa.recommendations oa.preservation oa.licensing oa.dynamic oa.metadata oa.infrastructure oa.implementation oa.compliance oa.deposits oa.libre oa.repositories

Date tagged:

07/12/2018, 15:30

Date published:

07/12/2018, 11:30