STM statement on the increase of unethical and deceptive journal practices

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-08-10


"The last decade has seen a worrying increase in the number of unethical research publications, as well as an exponential rise in so-called ‘predatory’ journals and publishers. High levels of trust are vital to ensuring that the publication and sharing of research results helps to advance research, the global pool of knowledge and the careers of researchers and investigators. Publication practices vary across both academic disciplines and countries, but there are common ethical standards and behaviours that ensure that articles that are published in trustworthy peer-reviewed journals are of the highest standards."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

08/10/2018, 10:47

Date published:

08/10/2018, 06:48