Research Services Librarian job with University of Manchester | 100117

peter.suber's bookmarks 2018-08-30


"...We are seeking a proactive and enthusiastic individual to join our Research Services (RS) division, a successful team that delivers specialist services to the University's research staff and PhD students. There are five librarians in RS and this role is one of two that focuses on the provision of Open Access advice, advocacy and training, and the promotion of research outputs and scholarly communication tools. As well as responsibility for specific services areas, our RS librarians lead or provide substantial contributions to projects at divisional or library level which support service development. Successful delivery of the role requires collaborative working within RS, across the Library and with relevant stakeholders across the University and beyond, as well as the ability to build and maintain trust in specialist service expertise with individual researchers. The successful candidate will, therefore, be a confident communicator...."


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Date tagged:

08/30/2018, 11:27

Date published:

08/30/2018, 07:27